Thursday, September 19, 2019

My First Impressions While Attending UNLV

We're off to a great start becoming a UNLV Rebel! I am going for a BSBA in Information Management. I am currently pre-business and have to wait until I complete course requisites to declare my major officially. I am taking a large workload for the first semester at sixteen credits.
I am doing well in all my classes, except Math 124. The rest of the classes are interesting and fun to do the homework! English 101, Bus 103, PSC 101, and IS 101 are all great classes and I am learning a lot. My favorite assignment is a group project that we are doing in Bus 103. The assignment is to raise $500 and use the money to make kits to give to a charity of our choice. Since I am not performing strongly in Mat 124 I am going to seek a math tutor outside of class. I applied for an organization called RVF which is the Rebel Venture Fund. It is an organization that uses real money to invest in startups and performing due diligence with that company. I am excited to see if I get in because angel investors from other companies give you guidance.